
About Us

Olympian water gardens are certified aquascape pond contractors

Our vision focuses on the ecosystem approach to ponds & water features.

Using the natural balance of circulation, filtration, plants, fish, rocks, and gravel to ensure sustainability. This vision cultivates our commitment to the environment and the responsible use of water our planet’s greatest resource.

In addition to our ecosystem philosophy, we truly believe in the therapeutic benefits of the water gardening lifestyle.

We strive to create inspirational, living water features that will change the way you view and use your outdoor space

Experienced and expertly trained by Aquascape in designing & building beautiful water features

• Ponds & water gardens

• Pondless waterfalls

• Fire fountains

• Fire pits

• Patio ponds

• Rainwater harvesting systems & storm water management

• Capturing and reusing our most precious resource

Contact us today
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